Friday, January 29, 2010

Spring, Where Are YOU!

As I was driving home tonight, after scraping snow and ice off my car after work, I was thinking... SPRING, Where are YOU? and then it dawned on me... it's not very far away!  Nor is our retreat!  Isn't it nice to chink Spring and think about the Spring Retreat!  And then, I came back to reality and changed the background on this blog.  SNOW!  It's okay, for a little while, I guess!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What the Heck IS Crop Cash, someone asked!

Rita, a new cropper EVERYONE SAY "HELLO, RITA!" asked me an interesting question. What is the deal with Crop Cash? So, I responded to here and here is what I said... In case you were wondering, too!

Here's the scoop on Crop Cash.

Prior to the retreat, I do all kinds of things to give everyone opportunities to earn crop cash. From simply sending me an email asking for CROP CASH when I send out a notice to responding to a quiz I email out. You never know what I'll ask you to do, so you want to be sure to read your emails from me and check this blog often. And then, at the retreat, we will play some games when you can earn more CROP CASH. Or, I might need a tool that I don't have and I'll offer CROP CASH to the first person who can get one to me! Like I said, you never know. I'm a little crazy and a lot spontaneous, so get ready! AND... then, there's Sheri, who has no problem, whatsoever in stealing my "CROP CASH STASH" and just randomly start giving it away. Now that caught even ME off guard!

Then, every night, a little bit after dinner, I have a CROP CASH AUCTION! And that's what it's all about! Last year, I auctioned off over $1,000 worth of stuff. I think it worked out to be about 12 or 13 items each night. And on Saturday night, those items sold for a total of $49,000 in CROP CASH! It was WILD! But oh, so much fun! And with more people there, I think it will be even crazier.

Vickie and Lyla ogt into a bidding war over an organizational bag... I think that's what it was... and they had everyone in stitches! Vickie won! You'll have to ask her about that! She was quite proud and Lyla is still fussing about it.

I just don't like boring old drawings... even though I do a few of them... so I came up with the auction idea a couple of years ago at my very first retreat. It was a hit and has become a highlight of my retreats.

I think you'll like it. And as I get a little more organizes, I'll be letting everyone know what their CROP CASH balance is. And it will all be waiting for you at the retreat. Just a bonus for joining my fun, Crazy Cropper Scrapbook Retreat!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is Anyone Out There?

I guess we could call this "The Very First Crop Cash Opportunity" on this blog! If you are following, subscribed or just stumbled upon this, leave me a comment and YOU will earn $100 in Crop Cash! It's simple. I recommend getting a Google account. It's free and you can sign in that way and it doesn't call you "Anonymous"! I also recommend you become a "Follower" and/or "Subscribe". You are not going to want to miss any of the posts that are going to be appearing over the next few months.

Can you believe we are less than 3 months away? WOW! I'm working on Retreat stuff today and I'm ready to get THIS PARTY STARTED!

If you experience ANY problems posting, let me know so we can get you fixed... quickly!

Talk to you soon,

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Contract is Signed!

WooHoo! I signed the contract at the hotel this past Friday! That's always a milestone and a little scary. Fortunately, I've had such a good EARLY response, I'm not scared anymore! I was talking to Nancy (Cobblestone Events Manager) on Friday and she was still in awe at how much stuff we brought in to that room. I said "yeah... they all have a bunch of stuff! And we really need to spread out and I'm thrilled we are going to double our space" ... and she said "It's not double, it's triple what you had in October!" WHAT!!! So we walked over to the convention center and sure enough.. I thought we had half of the BIG room, but we really only had a THIRD of it! This is gonna be SOOOOOOOO nice!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here We Go!

Ok, so, how did the Holidays treat you? And what about this snow and sub-freezing weather! I'm done with ALL of them! Well, if the truth be known, my Christmas tree is still up, BUT, it's coming down tonight! I know... it's about dang time!

NO, what it's time for is the 2010 SPRING SCRAPBOOK RETREAT!!! I know, it about 4 months away, but I am SO ready for it. Well, not really READY for it, but YOU know what I MEAN!!!

I sent out confirmation emails last night to the nearly 40 people I have registered. Can you believe THAT! 40 people and there is 4 more months! I would really like to get to 50, but we will see.

I don't have much to report other than this. Because of all of the email problems I was having a few months ago, I am changing dates that qualify for CROP CASH. Here are the NEW qualifying dates...

Emailing me your Registration Form before you mail it to me

Mailing me your Registration Form and $50 Deposit by February 1

Paying in full by February 15th

I have also changed the Deposit Due date to February 15th (it won't earn you CROP CASH if you pay then, but that's when I need your deposit!)

So, make notes of those dates! And grab your friends... Let's FILL THIS PARTY!