Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here We Go!

Ok, so, how did the Holidays treat you? And what about this snow and sub-freezing weather! I'm done with ALL of them! Well, if the truth be known, my Christmas tree is still up, BUT, it's coming down tonight! I know... it's about dang time!

NO, what it's time for is the 2010 SPRING SCRAPBOOK RETREAT!!! I know, it about 4 months away, but I am SO ready for it. Well, not really READY for it, but YOU know what I MEAN!!!

I sent out confirmation emails last night to the nearly 40 people I have registered. Can you believe THAT! 40 people and there is 4 more months! I would really like to get to 50, but we will see.

I don't have much to report other than this. Because of all of the email problems I was having a few months ago, I am changing dates that qualify for CROP CASH. Here are the NEW qualifying dates...

Emailing me your Registration Form before you mail it to me

Mailing me your Registration Form and $50 Deposit by February 1

Paying in full by February 15th

I have also changed the Deposit Due date to February 15th (it won't earn you CROP CASH if you pay then, but that's when I need your deposit!)

So, make notes of those dates! And grab your friends... Let's FILL THIS PARTY!

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