Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's MY List - Whadya Think!?!

Ummmm... Paper Packs, Storage, Ribbon, Tombows, Stamps and Stickles, Alcohol Inks and maybe a Jukebox... Oh..oh... oh.... what about a Clip it Up or a Bind It All or maybe even a BIG SHOT!  What would you think about THAT KIND OF STUFF!!!!!  AAAHHHHH.... I'm just sayin'!

Oh, and guess what else.... I'm printing more CROP CASH this weekend!!!  I was talking to Sheri at the ScrapNook today and I get the feeling she may be digging into my stash again.  So, I need to be prepared!  And it will just be incentive to give away MORE!  And with what all is lining up for auction items... we are going to need a TON of CROP CASH!  Can I just start right now by saying... NO FIGHTING LADIES.... NO FIGHTING!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wanna Save Some Money?

Since you all are so good and have either subscribed to this blog or have joined as a follower, you are going to get this news FIRST!  (I'll let everyone else know later this week!)

I am going to be offering a 10% discount off your ENTIRE Close to My Heart ordered (placed through me - call or email me as my website can't give the discount!) to everyone who is registered for my 2010 Spring Retreat!  That's a great deal!  This is a no-nonsense, everything included sale!  I plan to submit the order by mid March... just in time to get everything back so you will be stocked up for the RETREAT!  AND... for every $ you order, you will earn that with a zero on the end in CROP CASH!!!  So... if you order $20, you will earn $200 in CROP CASH!!!  WOOHOO!!!

What a great way to get yourself organized!  Order your paper packs and embellies... or, consider the Workshop on the Go kits!  That's what I'm doing this year!  And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, shoot me an email and I'll give you ALL the info!

I'm officially setting March 15th as our "closing" date, so make sure you get me your order by then!  If you need an Idea Book, let me know, but remember, you can view it online from my website...  Let me know if you need any help!

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Less than 2 MONTHS..... WOOHOO!

I cannot believe we are NOW less than 2 months away from our SPRING RETREAT!  I can't believe that!  I really HATE wishing away my life, but I really WISH it were starting today!  I need a getaway and I need SPRING!

Ok. that's really great news, but this is even better!  SINCE we are within 2 months of the RETREAT... I think... it's time.... to...


We need to get EVERYONE following this blog.  It is my preferred way to play CROP CASH games!  It's easier than sending a thousand emails and it's WAY easier to track and keep track of your CROP CASH earnings!  SO... be sure and tell all your friends who are registered that they need to get on here and sign up for email notifications and/or FOLLOW MY BLOG!

Starting right now... leave a message (or, send me an email if you can't get the "leaving a message" figured out) and respond to the following!  (here's another cool thing about blogging.... I don't have to put an end date on the games!)


I need ideas.  What would you like to see on the auction block?  You know me... I'll put anything up there! 
So don't hold back!  Leave a message here (or, if you can't, send me an email and I'll add it here to the blog comments) and tell me what you want to see and would bid on.  Let's see, that's pretty easy, so let's make it worth...
$100 in CROP CASH!!!

Don't worry about duplicates... that just tells me that item will be worth fighting for!!!  Oh, and you can list as many things as you like!  Remember this is to give me an idea for some great auction items!!!

Have a great Thursday and start watching this BLOG as I AM going to start doing this more and more frequently as we get closer to the RETREAT!!!  (thanks, Vickie, for reminding me to get this going!)