Sunday, April 11, 2010

Packing! And Taxes are DONE!

Today was my day to get my taxes done and get some major packing started.  And guess what?  I did it!!!  I can't believe it!  And this was after spending the day yesterday in Bolivar at a fundraising crop for TOMSK Missions.  It was a great day, but what was I thinking?  The Saturday before my retreat?  I committed to doing something ELSE... all... day... long?  Oh, well!  It worked out!  And here's some pictures to prove it!.

I've been packing and moving to my living room.  
This is how it started this morning (after the taxes were done!).

This is just another view!

And then, I ran out of room, so I started moving the stuff to the garage...

And I haven't even begun to pack my own stuff yet!  Or any of the tools!  Or my clothes!  
Anyone have a U-Haul?  I may need one!

I hope your packing is coming along, too!  I can't wait to meet and see everyone.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful through Thursday and then it looks like rain Friday and Saturday.  Perfect weather to be inside scrapbooking!  I will be adding another blog with some final details... AFTER I finish packing! 


  1. Tysha says:

    EEKK! I haven't started packing. But, I have off Thursday morning, so I'm hoping that I can get the bulk of it done then before I head on down to Branson.

    I'm so excited. Wish it was Wednesday!

  2. Good lord Janis. This looks worse than when we went to Heit's Point in Judy's van! Okay, I know you are not going to believe this but I actually have my pages laid out to work on. That is a miracle in itself. Of course I am still bringing a lot of other stuff just in case I need it. You know how that is. I am trying to figure out how I can get my rolling chair in my car. I have remembered my light this time too. Will miracles never cease? Of course I have probably forgotten something major, like my clothes or something. I am really getting excited and I have missed seeing you and staying at your house. See you Wednesday. Lyla
