Monday, April 19, 2010

What a Weekend!

All I can say is WOW!  I mean, really... WOW!!!

You are ALL the greatest bunch of ladies I know.  Did we have a great time or what?!  I have some pictures I want to post, but I haven't found my camera yet!!!  I only have one question.... how in the world did I come home with MORE stuff than I took?  Especially since I left SO much stuff there!  That is really baffling me!!!

Oh, well... I hope you all had as much fun as I did.  And I hope you are going to take a few days to rest up, because if you are as tired as I am, I am sure you will need it.  But it was SO worth it, wasn't it!

It's just so amazing to me that I have found each of you and you are now a part of my life.  I truly mean that.  You each are so unique and so very talented and so VERY much fun!  I can't get my mind to slow down.  I just keep replaying the last 5 days in my mind.  I usually do that to re-evaluate and try to figure out how to make things better, but this time is different.  I am just enjoying all of the fun moments and time spent watching everyone enjoy themselves and talking to people and just getting to know you all.  I wish I had more time to spend with each of you and even though I tried, I know I didn't/couldn't. 

I can't wait til October (boy, I am sure wishing my time away, aren't I!), but I can't wait to see everyone again.  I so appreciate your feedback and I so want to make this coming 2010 Fall Scrapbook Retreat, the BEST ONE EVER!!!  (I know, I sound like a broken record, don't I!!!)

So, keep an eye out on this blog.... I'll be posting pictures of this past retreat and I'll be building a NEW blog for the 2010 FALL RETREAT in the next month or so and I'll be sure and post a link here.

I'd offer you CROP CASH for leaving a comment, but I'm done with bribes for now!  Just leave a comment if you want to... 'til later!

1 comment:

  1. Janis, we had so much fun! I'm tired too, and since the weekend I am scrapbooking in my dreams, which can be hard work! Hopefully the only one who took home less stuff is Sheri. Thanks again.

    ~ Suzy
